
Hammertoe Correction (No-Scar ™ Hammertoe Procedure) / Hammertoe Repair (No-Scar ™ Hammertoe Procedure) / Revision Hammertoe Correction

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Minimally Invasive

Minimally Invasive

With just a 10mm incision, No-Scar Hammertoe Correction ™ is easier on your body meaning minimal pain and a faster recovery.

Under 30 minute procedure

Under 30 minute procedure

This innovative approach enables Dr. Lopez to correct your hammertoe deformity confidently and quickly.

Same Day

Same Day

Making time for your medical appointments is hard, that is why we take care of you same day whenever possible.



After the No-Scar Hammertoe Correction ™ is performed the incision is so tiny, no visible stitches are needed.

Fast Recovery

Fast Recovery

Less damage to your body means a smoother recovery, most patients can return to work the following day.

What is a hammer toe? 

It’s a deformity that causes your toe to bend or curl downward instead of pointing forward. This deformity can affect any toe on your foot – usually the second or third toe. Hammer toes may be present at birth, but can also develop over time due to arthritis or wearing ill-fitting shoes. In most cases, a hammer toe condition is treatable.

Find out how the No-Scar Hammertoe Correction ™ can treat your painful hammertoe deformity. 

This innovative procedure performed by Dr. Lopez can correct your hammertoe deformity with a simple and quick minimally invasive approach.


> Schedule An Appointment

Causes: Your toe contains two joints that allow it to bend at the middle and bottom. A hammer toe occurs when the middle joint becomes flexed or bent downward. Common causes of this include:

  • a traumatic toe injury
  • arthritis
  • unusually high foot arches
  • wearing shoes that don’t fit properly
  • tightened ligaments or tendons in the foot
  • pressure from a bunion

Sign & Symptoms: A hammer toe causes discomfort and/or pain when you walk, stretch, or move the affected toe or other toes next to it. Hammer toe symptoms may be mild or severe. Mild symptoms include:

  • a toe that bends downward
  • calluses
  • difficulty walking
  • inability to flex your foot or wiggle your toes
  • claw-like toes 

Diagnosis and Treatment: A doctor can usually diagnose a hammer toe during a physical exam, and may use x-rays if you’ve injured the bone, muscle, or ligament in your toe.

The severity of your hammer toe determines the type of procedure you will undergo. The surgeon may perform a tendon transfer if the toe is still somewhat flexible. This involves redirecting tendons from the bottom of the toe to the top where it’s bent. The rerouted tendons can help straighten the affected toe. If your hammer toe has become fixed or stiff, the surgeon has two options: joint resection or fusion.

Joint resection involves making an incision on the top part of the toe to reach the ligaments and tendons underneath. The ligaments and tendons may have to be cut to help straighten the toe. The end of one bone is removed so that the toe can fully extend. Small metal pins or rods are often used to keep the toe straight during the recovery process. The pins are usually removed a month or so after surgery.

With fusion, ligaments and tendons are also cut to straighten the toe. The difference in this procedure is that the ends of the two bones that compose the affected joint are cut to make the toe straight. Pins or screws are used while the ends of the bone heal or fuse together.

Recovery: Recovering from hammer toe surgery may take a few weeks, depending on the type of surgery you received. Special shoes may be necessary to help you walk and maintain your balance throughout your recovery. Crutches or a walker are helpful during recovery as well.

You should try to keep your foot elevated most of the time in the first couple of weeks after surgery. This diverts pressure off the toe, allowing it to heal. You can expect some swelling around the toe that could last up to a year, but the pain should subside quickly after the operation. If pins or screws were inserted in your toe, they may be removed a few weeks after the operation.

If the operation was on your right foot, you will have to avoid driving for a few weeks. Be sure to ask your doctor about any restrictions on driving or other activities. You also shouldn’t place your foot under water until the pins or screws are removed.

Dr. Ray Lopez

Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery