
Bunion Correction (Beach-Bunion Procedure™)

Minimally Invasive

Minimally Invasive

With just a 10mm incision, the Beach-Bunion™ procedure is easier on your body meaning minimal pain and a faster recovery.

Under 30 minute procedure

Under 30 minute procedure

This innovative approach enables Dr. Lopez to correct you bunion confidently and quickly.

Same Day

Same Day

Making time for your medical appointments is hard, that is why we take care of you same day whenever possible.



After the Beach Bunion™ procedure is performed the incision is so tiny, no visible stitches are needed.

Fast Recovery

Fast Recovery

Less damage to your body means a smoother recovery, most patients can return to work the following day.

Traditional Bunion Surgery

INCISION– Large 1-2 inch incision on the top of the foot 

PAIN – Pain for up to two months (varies on individual)

DECREASED RANGE OF MOTION – (of the big toe joint, 1st metatarsophalangeal joint) – Post-surgery, because of required dissection in this area when doing a traditional bunion surgery.

MOBILITY: Due to the tissue trauma and amount of dissection required for traditional “open” bunion surgery many patients have a significant amount of pain and swelling. This significantly lengthens the recovery period and means that many patients are off of their foot for up to two weeks. 

DECREASED RANGE OF MOTION– After traditional bunion surgery a substantial amount of deep scar tissue is formed due to the large incision and required dissection. This scar tissue inhibits the motion of the great toe and in many cases requires extensive physical therapy to return to normal function. 

SCARRING – The traditional open method leaves behind a 1-2 inch scar, which can be unattractive and sometimes painful requiring further treatments such as cortisone injections or scar revisions to treat.


Beach-Bunion™ No-Stitch Bunion Correction ©

MINIMAL INCISION – 5mm incision on the base of the big toe.

DECREASED PAIN POST-OPERATIVELY – As a minimally invasive procedure, very little disruption of the surrounding tissue is required, therefore pain and discomfort is substantially reduced.

MOBILITY – Almost all patients can walk out of the procedure with a surgical shoe and the assistance of crutches. Some patients can go back to work as early as the following day. 

NO COMPROMISE ON RANGE OF MOTION – Due to the nature of the procedure very little deep scar tissue is formed, which is the cause of constriction and decreased range of motion post-surgery. Most  patients do not lose any range of motion of their big toe after this procedure.

RECOVERY– This procedure is so minimal that the swelling is not noticeable. Minimal swelling means minimal pain and that leads to patients going back to regular shoes as fast as 2 to 4 weeks (compared to the traditional method of 3 months)

SCARRING – The small size and hidden location of the incision as well as the No-Stitch closure provides for a nearly invisible scar post operatively.

Painful unsightly Bunion? You are not alone.

Prevalence of bunion deformity increases with age

Bunion deformity is found in roughly 30% of the population

Bunions are 10x more common in women than in men

Bunions are inherited in 90% of the population with a family history of the condition

What is a bunion? (medically known as hallux abductovalgus) is a boney prominence located inside of the foot near the big toe joint. A bunion occurs when the big toe begins to deviate toward the second toe. The biggest misconception is that bunions occur from an overgrowth of bone. While that may be true in very few people, a bunion really represents a dislocation of the big toe joint as it bulges against the skin.

Find out how the Beach-Bunionectomy ™ can correct your painful unsightly bunion.

This innovative procedure performed by Dr. Ray Lopez can correct your bunion with a simple and quick minimally invasive approach.


> Schedule An Appointment

Causes: Bunions are usually caused by hereditary factors, as well as ill-fitted footwear. Tight and pointy shoes like high heels may promote the formation of a bunion. Bunions can develop rapidly or develop slowly over time. Some people develop bunions during their adolescent years while others develop them well into adulthood.

Bunions come in a variety of sizes. Some cases are mild while others are severe enough to develop other issues such as hammer toe, creating serious foot deformities. Depending on your overall health, symptoms and severity of the bunion, the condition may be treated conservatively and/or with surgery.  

Sign & Symptoms: Pain is most commonly felt directly on the bunion area, within the big toe joint, and/or on the bottom of the foot. The bunion may become irritated, red, warm, swollen and/or callused. Pain levels may range from dull and mild to severe and sharp. Bunion size doesn’t necessarily result in more pain. Pain is often made worse by ill-fitted shoes that crunch up toes. While some bunions may result in significant pain, other bunions may not be painful at all.

Diagnosis and Treatment:

Recovery: Recovery after bunion surgery generally depends on the method of surgery performed. In all cases, bone healing takes about six weeks with no way to speed up that process. Patients often return to normal activities and shoe gear by six weeks to three months. Factors that may prolong healing are age, smoking, poor nutritional status, and some medical problems.

Dr. Ray Lopez

Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery